Changing performance evaluation criteria to reflect and assess knowledg translation - Changing performance evaluation criteria to reflect and assess knowledg Indonesian how to say

Changing performance evaluation cri

Changing performance evaluation criteria to reflect and assess knowledge-
sharing competencies and accomplishments.
Censuring knowledge hoarders and rewarding effective knowledge sharers.
Redesigning workplaces to allow for gathering places (e.g., Cotter, 2000;

Chiem, 2001; Gladwell, 2000).

The redesign of workplaces extends beyond simple physical office layout
designs to a process of facilitating more effective knowledge sharing. Owen
(1997) developed the notion of Open Space Technology (OST) as a large-group
facilitation process. In practice, Open Space Technology meetings take on many
forms and variations, but they follow the same general guidelines. OST meet-
ings begin with all the participants sitting in a circle and no items on the
agenda. The meeting opens with an agenda-setting exercise, following which
the group self-organizes into smaller discussion groups. Discussion group con-
veners are responsible for providing a report of the discussions, which is imme-
diately added to a book of proceedings. At the conclusion of the meeting,
or very shortly thereafter, participants receive a copy of the proceedings in-
cluding all of the discussion groups’ reports and any action plans that were
Open Space Technology meetings operate on four principles and one law.
The principles are:


Whoever comes is the right person.
Whatever happens is the only thing that could have happened.
When it starts is the right time.
When it’s over it’s over.

The law is known as the Law of Two Feet (sometimes referred to as the Law
of Mobility). It states that “If you find yourself in a situation where you are
not learning or contributing, go somewhere where you can.”
Gladwell (2000) discusses how the setup and character of offices can influ-
ence innovation and knowledge sharing. He notes the importance of frequent
interaction among colleagues and how far basic office layout goes in shaping
the human relationships within the workplace. Gladwell states that innovation
is at the heart of the knowledge economy and that it is a fundamentally social
phenomenon. Companies will therefore need to design for public and semi-
public spaces to promote employee interaction. Many companies provide com-
fortable seating and access to the knowledge repository via a few workstations
to promote both tacit and explicit knowledge sharing.
The cultural approach to Open Space Technology creates an environment
for innovation, teamwork, and rapid change. Open space offers a chance to
gather the members of the organization in an open setting and have the work
done efficiently and creatively. Open space involves much brainstorming, but
it is not just brainstorming. It is the process through which people have the
urge to raise the topic they are passionate about, and they are willing to share
their own knowledge, especially tacit knowledge.
Whether the open space can be successful depends on the extent to which
the participants are willing to share the knowledge, which is influenced by their
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Results (Indonesian) 1: [Copy]
Changing performance evaluation criteria to reflect and assess knowledge-sharing competencies and accomplishments.Censuring knowledge hoarders and rewarding effective knowledge sharers.Redesigning workplaces to allow for gathering places (e.g., Cotter, 2000; Chiem, 2001; Gladwell, 2000).The redesign of workplaces extends beyond simple physical office layoutdesigns to a process of facilitating more effective knowledge sharing. Owen(1997) developed the notion of Open Space Technology (OST) as a large-groupfacilitation process. In practice, Open Space Technology meetings take on manyforms and variations, but they follow the same general guidelines. OST meet-ings begin with all the participants sitting in a circle and no items on theagenda. The meeting opens with an agenda-setting exercise, following whichthe group self-organizes into smaller discussion groups. Discussion group con-veners are responsible for providing a report of the discussions, which is imme-diately added to a book of proceedings. At the conclusion of the meeting,or very shortly thereafter, participants receive a copy of the proceedings in-cluding all of the discussion groups’ reports and any action plans that weredeveloped.Open Space Technology meetings operate on four principles and one law.The principles are: ssss Whoever comes is the right person.Whatever happens is the only thing that could have happened.When it starts is the right time.When it’s over it’s over. The law is known as the Law of Two Feet (sometimes referred to as the Lawof Mobility). It states that “If you find yourself in a situation where you arenot learning or contributing, go somewhere where you can.”Gladwell (2000) discusses how the setup and character of offices can influ-ence innovation and knowledge sharing. He notes the importance of frequentinteraction among colleagues and how far basic office layout goes in shapingthe human relationships within the workplace. Gladwell states that innovationis at the heart of the knowledge economy and that it is a fundamentally socialphenomenon. Companies will therefore need to design for public and semi-public spaces to promote employee interaction. Many companies provide com-fortable seating and access to the knowledge repository via a few workstationsto promote both tacit and explicit knowledge sharing.The cultural approach to Open Space Technology creates an environmentfor innovation, teamwork, and rapid change. Open space offers a chance togather the members of the organization in an open setting and have the workdone efficiently and creatively. Open space involves much brainstorming, butit is not just brainstorming. It is the process through which people have theurge to raise the topic they are passionate about, and they are willing to sharetheir own knowledge, especially tacit knowledge.Whether the open space can be successful depends on the extent to whichthe participants are willing to share the knowledge, which is influenced by their
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Results (Indonesian) 2:[Copy]
Mengubah kriteria evaluasi kinerja untuk mencerminkan dan menilai pengetahuan-
kompetensi berbagi dan prestasi.
mencela penimbun pengetahuan dan bermanfaat sharers pengetahuan yang efektif.
Mendesain ulang tempat kerja untuk memungkinkan untuk mengumpulkan tempat (misalnya, Cotter, 2000; Chiem, 2001; Gladwell, 2000). Desain ulang tempat kerja melampaui fisik sederhana kantor tata letak desain untuk proses memfasilitasi berbagi pengetahuan lebih efektif. Owen (1997) mengembangkan gagasan Ruang Terbuka Teknologi (OST) sebagai kelompok besar proses fasilitasi. Dalam prakteknya, pertemuan Open Space Technology mengambil banyak bentuk dan variasi, tapi mereka mengikuti pedoman umum yang sama. OST muan ings dimulai dengan semua peserta duduk dalam lingkaran dan tidak ada item pada agenda. Pertemuan dibuka dengan agenda-setting latihan, berikut ini yang kelompok self-mengorganisir ke dalam kelompok diskusi kecil. Diskusi kelompok con veners bertanggung jawab untuk menyediakan laporan dari diskusi, yang imme- secepat mungkin ditambahkan ke Buku laporan. Di akhir pertemuan, atau sangat lama kemudian, para peserta menerima salinan dari proses di- daerah, termasuk semua laporan kelompok diskusi dan rencana aksi yang dikembangkan. Pertemuan Open Space Technology beroperasi pada empat prinsip dan satu hukum. The Prinsip-prinsip tersebut adalah: s s s s Siapapun yang datang adalah orang yang tepat. Apa pun yang terjadi adalah satu-satunya hal yang bisa terjadi. Ketika mulai adalah waktu yang tepat. Ketika itu lebih sudah berakhir. Hukum ini dikenal sebagai Hukum Dua Kaki ( kadang-kadang disebut sebagai Hukum Mobilitas). Ini menyatakan bahwa "Jika Anda menemukan diri dalam situasi di mana Anda tidak belajar atau memberikan kontribusi, pergi ke suatu tempat di mana Anda bisa. " Gladwell (2000) membahas bagaimana setup dan karakter dari kantor-kantor dapat di fl u- ence inovasi dan pengetahuan berbagi. Dia mencatat pentingnya sering interaksi di antara rekan-rekan dan bagaimana dasar jauh dari tata letak kantor berjalan dalam membentuk hubungan manusia di tempat kerja. Gladwell menyatakan bahwa inovasi adalah jantung ekonomi pengetahuan dan bahwa itu adalah fundamental sosial fenomena. Oleh karena itu, perusahaan perlu merancang untuk umum dan semi- ruang publik untuk meningkatkan interaksi karyawan. Banyak perusahaan menyediakan com- duduk fortable dan akses ke repositori pengetahuan melalui beberapa workstation untuk mempromosikan baik tacit dan eksplisit berbagi pengetahuan. Pendekatan budaya untuk Buka Teknologi Ruang Angkasa menciptakan lingkungan untuk inovasi, kerja tim, dan perubahan yang cepat. Ruang terbuka menawarkan kesempatan untuk mengumpulkan anggota organisasi dalam pengaturan terbuka dan memiliki pekerjaan yang dilakukan secara efisien dan kreatif. Ruang terbuka melibatkan banyak brainstorming, tetapi tidak hanya curah pendapat. Ini adalah proses di mana orang memiliki keinginan untuk menaikkan topik yang mereka sukai, dan mereka bersedia untuk berbagi pengetahuan mereka sendiri, pengetahuan khususnya diam-diam. Apakah ruang terbuka bisa sukses tergantung pada sejauh mana para peserta bersedia untuk berbagi pengetahuan, yang dipengaruhi oleh mereka

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