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Thai) 2:
Jane is a 65 year old grandmother who has recently decided to follow a vegan pattern of diet. She has become interested in this form of diet since moving to the same town as her sister Deborah, who has followed a vegan diet for several years. Deborah belongs to the local vegetarian support group. Jane has agreed to also follow this dietary pattern and eliminate all animal foods from her diet as her doctor has recently commented on her high blood cholesterol levels and she read in a magazine that animal products contribute to heart disease.
Jane is the caregiver for her two 15 year old twins, Sophie and Jack. She works as a reading recovery teacher at Sophie’s school and is also involved in mentoring her netball team. Jack is a keen member of the junior football team and is very proud that his Grandmother is there on the sideline to support the team every Saturday. Jane is a keen gardener but also plays golf twice a week. Occasionally she plays in a golf tournament which finishes with dinner for the players. (She finds this difficult at times as there are few foods suitable for a vegan.) At the weekends the family like to join their local sports club and participate in fun leisure activities. Shared picnic meals on these occasions can be a bit difficult as some of the group think they are unusual following a vegan diet.
Jane enjoys cooking and encourages the twins to help out in the kitchen. Once a week they are expected to prepare the evening meal. They regularly visit the local farmers market to buy fresh fruits, vegetables and other food products. Sophie has been studying sustainable food practices in Home Economics and encouraging the family to buy seasonal, local foods to include in their family meals. She often uses the internet to source interesting recipes. Sophie is having friends over for her birthday next month and is unsure how to cater for all her dinner guests.
Jane receives a benefit as well as superannuation but is very aware of the need to budget carefully as there are many set expenses each month e.g. mortgage, insurance etc. and two energetic teenagers to feed. Mealtimes are important to Jane as it is a time for the family to share their day and enjoy each other’s company.
The family realises that there are many health advantages of this form of diet but is unsure of the impact on two growing children and one active but ageing grandmother. Jane is also aware that her grandchildren need to feel comfortable when choosing a lifestyle different from most of their peers.
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