The volunteer media know trick and maintain rights project aim to make knowledge and understand for media monitoring with the use of exaggerated. Also, the volunteer choose to consume and appropriate high quality and safety of product, food, and medicine that occur the media monitoring planning and forward to The responsible institute continuously. The target of project are volunteer that covering 5 districts in Phayao province in 20 people. The procedure of project including 1. training of the media monitoring, radio, and television 2. following of media monitoring in the area. 3. planning and set direction for media monitoring and sustainable.
From the result of the project found that the volunteer have the knowledge and understand for media monitoring with the use of exaggerated, able to analyzed appropriate product and service advertising that occur the media monitoring continuously and Extended to the community. Including, forwarding information for the related institute to solve the problem . So, the development of volunteer in this project will be the important mechanism to provide volunteers and people to get the knowledge of human right When being violated the rights to claim, as well as the channel of complaint. To avoid being taken advantage of in the consumption of media.