53 Gaiserwald, Sankt Gallen, สวิตเซอร์เเลนด์
๒๘ สิงหาคม ๒๕๕๙ ๑๖:๓๐ น.
I am a 53 year old man from Switzerland and would like to emigrate to Thailand.
Features: I am loyal, honest, no Playboy, simple man, do not lie, conscientious, sincere, humble, funny, humorous, jovial, etc.
About me: I am an early retiree health reasons. I have a heart problem, my foot and back pain often. But I've learned to make the best of it. As you can see I'm honest, otherwise I would not have to say.
I'm not rich or have a lot of money but I can live with it. So if you are looking for a rich person, then I'm wrong.
Seeking his honest, sincere, slender woman who wants to spend time with me the rest of life.
My plan is simple, I want you to know you better over the Internet, then I come to Thailand and would you like to meet in person. If we fit together I'll be back and we'll get married, this is a reason, because if we are married and I die you receive a pension from Switzerland, with which you can live a normal. Seeking a natural woman who copes well with little Mak-up and is still pretty.
I have to constantly do something, I can clean, wash, iron something cooking, etc. but I also want to learn a little bit your language, I think it's important that you can communicate and I want to get to know your customs.
I'm finally in your country so I have to adapt myself.
So I think this is for the first enough and hope soon to hear from you. You are authorized to quietly write your questions and I will answer you honestly and sincerely.
Please tell me a little of you, the more I know the better.
Lieber Gruss HP (that's my nickname)
๒๘ สิงหาคม ๒๕๕๙ ๑๘:๐๒ น.
I was born in Lamphun Province In the north Next to Chiang Mai Provrice Northern Thailand I graduated high school, my hometown. Then came Bangkok To work with A nanny Then studied further with Cashier, then worked for various restaurants until graduating college. I went to work in the office, accounting and auditing for 10 years, it's just hard work and return late at night, but for the future I endured. The change comes as the Accounting Manager. And next year my condo was completed in March 2017, I was five months straight, never married but had been dating before Farung Boyfriend Thaiman this recounting of history, I thank you very much.
๒๙ สิงหาคม ๒๕๕๙ ๒๐:๕๒ น.
Thank you for your detailed descriptions can be seen immediately that you work with like numbers, i love numbers also. I am glad that you can draw next year in your own apartment, you've also worked hard for it and certainly have to give up much.
You had ever seen a foreign partner, why did not consider it?
As I said I'm looking for a woman who is on the ground with both feet, so is a redensart with us. Are not you remember, I'm also a foreigner and almost 20 years older and my health is indeed not of a young guy?
I like your candor, this is indeed important in a relationship and would like to learn more about you and if you have questions about me, please alternate, I answer you honestly.
So now I wish you a good day and hope you are in the evening after work not too tired. Lieber Gruss HP.
๒๙ สิงหาคม ๒๕๕๙ ๒๒:๑๘ น.
I'm going to sleep as a past answer you before. Now, I intend to learn the English language will be the best. It is my free time to learn English 2 days 1 day gym 4 days rest room cleaning. Cooking, eating If the long weekend I decide to go to sea. Waterfalls, mountains, I don't eat, spirits, smoking. I like clean men love flirting, I actually do not slap hit me then you have a bad habit? Free time likes to go? The age you more than I do lots. I don't take ourselves too seriously. I do not like khayanum much fear do not actually like you have am I-shaped silk Line ID oodles will be sent to you, it is great, thank you very much.
The next year, after the financial year completed I intend to change their jobs because they are 2 years ago to other money better then studying masters degree in accounting for advances in.
๓๐ สิงหาคม ๒๕๕๙ ๒:๔๐ น.
Thank you for taking time to you to write me back. Whow you're busy pretty and have clear goals for the future with your master degree studies.
Maybe I did something wrong written or you've got it wrong, because I'm not a bad gay and I would never hit someone, or I misunderstood it.
You love a clean house, as I did. I understand the word "khayanum" not, what does it mean?
Yes I smoke a little and I also like a glass of wine for dinner or in the evening, which is a problem for you ????????
Then it would be better we finish writing today.
What do you mean, you're still interested ?????
I wish you definitely sweet dreams. HP
๓๑ สิงหาคม ๒๕๕๙ ๒๒:๑๒ น.
Am ok
๑ กันยายน ๒๕๕๙ ๒๑:๕๐ น.
Thanks for the OK.
Can you give me maybe a little more about you tell ????? Would be really happy and as you can see, my profile is verified and I have honest intentions.
I would ask you as an educated woman like something. If someone gives his salary with 64000.00 Bath, then this really