„father has forgotten, he initially when Liang State promoted Battle King, has probably initiated Heavenly Tribulation, we a bit faster left, otherwise, can encounter to suffer as an innocent bystander.”
Ou Xinlei Lei Dasheng said that to this time, could not attend to striking to kill Wu Chang Old Man, in Heavenly Tribulation facing fable, even if they are 5-Tier Battle Emperor, did not have the most basic calm.
Repairs for a higher person, the understanding Heavenly Tribulation are also more, more many of understanding, more knows the Heaven Tier terrifying.
„Mother, the Young Master friend is really big monstruous talent, can initiate Heavenly Tribulation unexpectedly.”
Wu Chang Old Man is also extremely shocking, what are more is pleasantly surprised, he thinks that Jiang Chen extremely in impulsive, cultivation of 1-Tier Battle Emperor to run to bring death, now looks like, Jiang Chen has certain card in a hand.
Jiang Chen looked up sky over one, the dark cloud layer place, nine Yin red thunder and lightning, saw this situation, the corners of the mouth of Jiang Chen cannot bear overflow a forced smile.
Nine revolutions of great misfortune, facing so terrifying disaster, no matter what everyone must smile bitterly, was Jiang Chen has practiced Dragon Transformation Art, can resist this rank the disaster, but faced these nine revolutions of great misfortune, Jiang Chen has one at heart pleasantly surprised, such thunder disaster can quenching to turn own body once more, stimulates the latent potential, so long as he can pass this disaster safely, can attack the 2-Tier Battle Emperor boundary, this was Jiang Chen desired.
„Do not delay again, run, leaves here, we look in not far away, so terrifying Heavenly Tribulation, this boy definitely is unable true in the past, even if, itself must also fall into the enormous weak time in the past, when the time comes we get rid, kills him with ease.”
The Ou Xinlei thunder said loudly.
His voice just fell, only listens to the sky startling thunderclap to descend together suddenly, that thunder and lightning is very together sturdy, probably a python is the same, is carrying strong Tianwei, pounces upon suddenly toward Jiang Chen.
But in flash that the space mine descended, Jiang Chen also moved, he immovability, moves like Jaguar, has the coordination that the space escaped, the Jiang Chen speed arrives at the acme quickly, was almost the suddenly time, then overtook was away from oneself recent Free and Unfettered Palace elder.
„Old fogy, making you run you not to run, tastes Lei Jie the taste.”
Saying that Jiang Chen lets somebody cool off or calm down, old man complexion drastic change, but wants to run now already late, Heavenly Tribulation has felt his aura, the bang again arrives at together Lei Guang, that was this elder own disaster , the overhead has divided.