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Ghayat Al-Hakim^Quatre faces au soleil en été et en hiver. Vous avez organisél'achèvement de la lune sans voile me donner dans cel'amour et l'acceptation jusqu'à l'amour de tout le peuple de l'huileme fonctionne dans leurs coeurs et défait les chefs, rois etles règles, c'est moi, je t'en supplie mon Seigneur dans les cœurs etesprit de tout ce peuple et dans tous les endroits qu'ils recueillent, afinbeaucoup d'amour et bonheur pour moi et de puissants me. Je vous en prievous mon Seigneur ANTOOR celui qui se trouve dans l'orbite, OHARTIYOON, AKTARYA, AOODA, YAMOORA, pour donnerCette huile que je tiens dans ma main l'amour dans le cœur de tousrois, présidents et nobles afin qu'ils ne soient jamais un ennemi àmoi et de revenir à moi avec amour et obéir et rendrese précipiter à me plaire. Je t'en supplie mon Seigneur SLTYOBAROONcelui qui se trouve dans le cinquième ciel, attacher les langues et lescoeurs de n'importe lequel tient mal à moi, assurez-vous que personne ne peut direquelque chose ou pense que quelque chose de mauvais à propos de moi, rendrene peut pas parler avec aucun mal pour moi du tout, du tout je t'en supplie monLord SUSIP celui qui se trouve dans le sixième ciel de lier lelangues, les mots et les pensées de mes ennemis et derépandre mon amour dans leurs cœurs. C'est moi, mon SeigneurBARHAWT celui qui est assis dans le ciel de seventii de me donnerl'amour et la meilleure logique, la louange bien sur moi depuisd'autres. Me donner dans cette huile, beaucoup d'amour et d'acceptationcomme un must sur chaque homme jour et nuit au nom dele bien-aimé live, celui qu'avec lui tous les coeursharmoniser et les modérés dans les sautes d'humeur donne une extrêmel'amour chez les peuples coeurs vers moi qui dure pour l'éternitéet pour toujours et à jamais, jamais, jamais, jamais, jamais, jamais, jamais, jamais,jamais, jamais, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen.Puis vous sauver que le pétrole et l'utiliser sur votre visage etcorps lorsque vous rencontrerez des rois et des nobles, alors vous aurezVoir les merveilles de leur part.235↑ chapitre S e v e n ^J'aiN le livre d'ABU BAKR IBN WAHSHIJA sousle nom Agriculture nabatéenne, il parle de laNabatéens et certains de leurs talismans et il dit :"certains des sages-avaient une longue histoire sur learbre de Laurier et comment il a parlé au gardien un vignoblejour il dormait au milieu du jardin etentouré de quatre arbres de Laurier et il rêvait que l'onles arbres lui dit: "Hey homme avez-vous dans votrejardin quoi que ce soit mieux que moi ? Ou qui pourrait dire queils ont vu un arbre comme moi". Alors le gardien de la vigne dit :« Ce qui est la signification de ceci? » et l'arbre a dit "vous avez besoinconnaître ma supériorité sur tous les autres arbres et monhaut standing avec Jupiter, donc vous pouvez sympathiser avec moiet prendre soin de moi dans l'arrosage et la plantation et en retourJe vais vous dire ce que vous devez faire, se lever à minuit etApportez avec vous certains de la giroflée, huile, graisse moi avecl'huile puis vous lever la tête vers le ciel et regardez Jupiter etdire « Aye la source de tout bonheur, ajouter à ma vie et àmon temps de quinze ans"et à coup sûr vous sera accordéefifteen more years more life above your life from thatdate". "Then you need to say "1 mediate to you with thistree". Then the tree told the vineyard keeper that he needsto try it and he will find that it is true and it is useful togrant him his wishes. The tree also said that he will see thesuperiority and the high standing of the tree underJupiter's rulership. That is why the tree was called theLaurel tree that talked to the vineyard keeper, they also237^ Picatrix - ^called it the "Who have seen anything like me" tree. AbuWahshija claimed that in this story there is greatknowledge and a successful sign that this tree is a specialtree with special gift-There are other stories that were written specificallyabout the laurel tree that 1 would like to mention to youreader so vou can see how many weird effects this tree of them is if you take fourteen laurel tree seeds. Drythem on an iron mill that has a very low coal fire for anhour. Then grind the seeds some more till thev arecompletely powder, put them in a clean bowl and cover itwith wine vinegar- Beat it with a branch of fig tree andwhen any person drinks that he will turn into a crazyperson that is not aware of any one around him and won'tknow what is wrong with him. The onlv wav to removethe spell and end this persons madness is to feed thatperson three medium steed radishes with their leavessliced into small pieces and the person should eat it allwithout leaving any pieces behind, then the effect of thatmadness will go away in about an hour as soon as theradish starts to digest in his stomach.It has also been said that if you pick one leal of thelaurel tree without dropping it to the ground and put itbehind your ear you wouldn't get drunk no matter howmuch you drink and you wouldn't get any headache fromdrinking either. Is not that a strange charm?If you also take from the laurel tree leaves a moist leafand as you are grinding it mix it with one small amount Ofjonquil and good vinegar, then you put some of that onany part of your body and you put on that part a red hotiron bar you won't feel anything, also if you use it en your238^ Ghayat Al-riakimhands and hold a red hot iron bar it won't burn you orharm vou at alLThere is a similar story that was told by Shifahy butthis one was on the hollyhock tree that Shifahy claimedthat is as magical as the laurel tree. He said that this treeused to talk to him in his sleep all the time and while he isawake too. Every time he heard the tree telling himanything he would immediately write it down rearing thathe might forget it. So one night the tree came to his dreamand told him "vou need to know that mv name is one ofMercury's names and you think that I'm only a hollyhocktree. I had so many arguments and disputes withmandrake because he claims that he is entitled with thisposition rather than me and that everything in the groundis his, he knows that he cannot change his location, natureand specialties. The mandrake is so ignorant and stupidfor claiming all this and what I sav is impossible, he says itis possible to be done. I ask you Shifahy to write to thewise-men of Babel so they can judge between me andmandrake, as thev know so much more about thisknowledge then you do and as you know 1 can not write topeople or tell them anything I want 1 told you because 1have chosen you for this mission over all the otherpeople". Then the tree disappeared in the air as soon as itwas done talking and Shifahy never saw the tree again. Sohe wrote to Babel's wise-men and he received an answerthat savs "We have received your letter and we were verypleased for your safety- The hollyhock tree for us is not inthe same importance as the mandrake tree, the mandrakehas greater position and more valuable to us because of itsactions and use and even in its harms- Yet with all this, themandrake is tricky, shifty and we can not stand hisevilness or his strength and we prevent his evil not to be23V^ - Picatrix - ^against hollyhock but just to prevent his evilness, as bothof the trees have the same nature of coldness, heaviness,slowness and they are both belong to two strong planets.Mercury and his father Saturn. These plants are intelligentand we were surprised to know that there is a disputebetween them as the disputes and evilness would happenbetween two fools, but to happen between two intelligentplants is surprising as they should not have any dispute orevil. For a dispute to happen between two intelligentplants there has to be a cause that would lead to that butwhen it happens between two fools, it just happensbecause of their nature. The intelligent have one cause fordispute but ignorant have two causes as the dispute thenwould happen for so many causes and not from one cause.We have judged for mandrake plant as we use it a lot inour work and it does a great effect. We also use thehollyhock plant in some places and some certainsituations, like connecting, passion and deep sympathyand in some charms that requires the benefit of hollyhock.But the mandrake plants effect in evil is more powerfuland we use it more for that reason". So 1 brought the letterto the hollyhock tree and informed it with its arrival. ThenI left and the hollyhock tree came to me in my sleep and Itold it what the wise-men have decided and that thev saidthat they have judged for me not for him by saving that!am good and he is evil and also by saying that they praisehim and prefer him because of his evilness is a great proofthat I am better. Just as there are in animals, themaliciousness between them like predatorv aninials youwould fear them for their evilness. Or like the kinds ofsnakes that are terrifying in their evilness, but because theyare evil they are miserable and burdensome not like thegood ones which eat the grass and are happy for beingGhayat Ai-Hakim &good and that is why the snakes are sought to be killed butthe fish and turtles are safe and happy. So the wise menactually judged him with evilness and fear but 1 am betterand happier- Just like those who are good in human kindare better than those who are bad among them in all themany ways and the only exception between bad and goodare the comfortable consciences of the good and theuncomfortable consciences of the bad. As the one with thecomfortable in conscience enjoys the life and its food anddrinks but the bad ones cannot enjoy anything becausetheir hearts are always busy with evil". That why Shifahythe wise-man of Al-Garamika ordered his people to buildin their statues a figure of a man holding in his right handa branch of the hollyhock tree as he is leaning on the treeitself and the knots in the tree showing clearlv a greatsnake rapt around it and on the top of the branch there is across made of gold and the snake mouth is wide openfacing the man. Due to this statue this group of people hasso much knowledge and magical symbolism in using thehollyhock and the mandrake tree in their charms.Abu Bakr Tbn Wahshija has written also in his bookthat he c
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