Japan Health Tools Tune
Jakarta, Jia Xiang - Medical Exellence Japan (MEJ), a consortium of health this Sakura, grant health equipment worth 550 million Yen (equivalent to Rp 57,3 billion) to the Government of Indonesia in this regard the Ministry of health. Health is, among others, donated bed care, and endoscopy.
Symbolically this grant awarding is carried out upon the opening of the seminar and the Japan METI health Indonesia, Wednesday (27/2/14), at Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta. Attending the event were Deputy Minister of health Ali Ghufron Mukti. According to her, the health grant aid will be sent to the Shanglah Hospital in Bali, Madura Cipto Hospital (RSCM) and Hasan Sadikin Hospital in Bandung, West Java.
In the meantime Director Medical Exellence Japan (MEJ), Makio Uchida, said in addition to grants, also handed over health equipment package for doctors of technology transfer as a user of health equipment and technology from Japan. Image capture technology, exemplified by the examination of the heart. The sophistication of this device, shooting just takes 10 seconds.
In the event that also held exhibition. One of these Microscopic Surgery System 3D Full HD Panasonic produced Devices. This has the hallmarks of the visualization objects. According to the Manager Marketingnya, Yayat Hidayat, AFM can also be medical students to practice.
There are also Electronic Medical Record (EMR) production of Fujitsu. This device, according to Its Manager, Recky KS, could facilitate the hospital in record medical record.[For/W5]