Theory of social diversity in mathematics education
The connected values require that cultural and racial diversity be catered for, to bring the mathematics into the cultural sphere of each child. The cross-curricular approaches favoured by this position also facilitate multi-cultural references in mathematics. Thus this position acknowledges children’s different cultural origins and tries to utilize aspects of these cultural features in the teaching of mathematics. Great value is attached to meeting the needs of each and every child, and to give them emotional support and succor, to build up their self-esteem, and to avoid conflict for them. Consequently, only the positive or neutral aspects of multicultural issues are utilized. Racism, and other areas of conflict are denied or minimized to protect the sensibilities of children. Overall, the theory of social diversity is individualistic, striving to accommodate cultural and linguistic differences and to meet the diverse needs of individuals, as perceived. However, the harsh realities of social conflict or racism are denied, from a desire to protect.