Results (
Thai) 2:
The philosophy of Mathematics Reconceptualized
The Scope of the Philosophy of Mathematics
In the previous chapter we entertained the hypothesis that knowledge is
A set of truths, in form of a set of propositions with proofs, and that the function of
The philosophy of mathematics is to establish the certainty of this knowledge. Having
Found that this hypothesis is untenable we are forced to reconsider the nature of the
Philosophy of mathematics. What is the function and scope of the philosophy of mathematics?
As the philosophy of law does not legislate, or the philosophy of science
Devise or test scientific hypotheses--- the philosophy of mathematics does
Not add to the number of mathematical theorems and theories. It is not
Mathematics. It is reflection upon mathematics, giving rise to its own
Particular questions and answers.
(korner,1960,page 9)
The philosophy of mathematics begins when we ask for a general account of
Mathematics, a synoptic vision of the discipline that reveals its essential
Features and explains just how it is that human beings are able to do mathematics.
(tymoczko,1986,page viii)
Priest(1973)boldly outlines the task as follows:
All the problems concerning the philosophy of mathematics can neatly be summarized by the question:
Question 0.What is pure mathematics?....
Firstly,what is meant by ‘mathematics’? The only answer we can give
Without begging the question is ‘That which is done and has been done for
The last four thousand years by mathematicians.’…Knowledge of the
Nature of mathematics lies in an ability to do it.
[To answer question 0 we need to answer the following:]
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