u know what? today iree talk with me, she told me her ex told her "u shouldn't talk with bee much, maybe bee might talk about you with other
and she said cenk tell me too. why? why u said that? am i look like bad girl? i'm gossip girl?, u ever seen me talk with other?
and u know? she said what with me. she said " u can flirt every guys in room can pvt every guys, but Except for cenk pls :).
sometime i really want to tell her about us, tell everyone but i couldn't do that bcoz u said it's our secret :(
i don't want to be secret anymore
dmire: if 
Admire: not operation in 10 day
Admire: i'll operation
Admire: after meet with u
Admire: but there i can be bad
Admire: then maybe i cant stay 1 week
Admire: time will show us
Admire: here im doing evertyhing with meet with u
Admire: just not told u thats
Admire: coz already u doing everything there for come to turkey n meet with me i know that