At this moment, a big middle-aged person stride steps into the conference site, this person of thick eyebrows tiger, is mad the field intensity to be big, he is Extreme Star Heavenly Palace Heavenly Elder disciple, big king powerhouse Cang Shui.
These ten Saint Lord squads, directly had jurisdiction over by Cang Shui, he is also the president of this conference.
Stepped into the conference site, Cang Shui said simply several prologues, looked to Cen Feng, Gate of Opening saw saying of mountain: „Cen Feng, in your combat report, said that your squad has obtained a major success, during you fall into 21 people of enemies to surround, moreover opposite also two Captain level characters, but you instead have actually killed 13 people, and also hits other seven people flees to the wilderness, but you only pay several people of severely wounded prices, is?”
Cang Shui even though the whole face happy expression, however his vision, sweeps at this time in the Cen Feng squad ten people, makes people feel that such as the falcon is common.
Was praised by Cang Shui at the summary congress, the members of Cen Feng squad felt that the full pride, that fight, they truly win total victories, hit fully!
However in the Cen Feng heart has all sorts of scruples, 20 destroy Fire Talisman, their squad actually only then can ten people, be taken back ten? He clenches teeth to nod saying: „Yes!”
„Um, good, you are active, have the big merit, all people, can according to the stipulation of army, attain to grant!” During the Cang Shui speeches, Martial Artist of Cen Feng squad were more excited.
However at this moment, a Cang Shui thread of conversation revolution, said: „Then I want to know now how you do win?”
The Cen Feng mind shakes, the subject came!
Really such as he expects, headquarters provide these „destroy Fire Talisman” the time. They do not know that these Fire Talisman have this grade of effect.
Deeply inspires, Cen Feng put out early has prepared the good combat report.
He goes forward one step, bows saying: „Sir Cang Shui, Cen Feng has completed the combat report, this combat report, possibly has not the small influence to the war, but, before inviting Sir Cang Shui glances, Cen Feng has a request.”
„? Request?”
„Yes!” The Cen Feng expression is serious, „requested Sir Cang Shui. In any event. Cannot take back our army equipment!”
„Can I take back your army equipment for what?” The Cang Shui straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards select, his faint feel, the Cen Feng combat report, was perhaps related with their equipment.
He hesitates slightly. Said: „So long as is equipment that sends. I naturally cannot take back.”
„Thanked Sir Cang Shui.” In Cen Feng heart one happy. Cang Shui is working as guarantees under these many person surface, naturally will not renege on a promise.
He has assumed the combat report immediately, he can not want the reward of this great merit. However these 20 destroy Fire Talisman, they must remain, this concerns their brothers' lives!
After Cang Shui looked at the Cen Feng combat report, he is the facial color is quiet first, to looking startled to accommodate, then arrives is incredible, finally, his whole person Huo has stood!
His facial expression is excited, incredible looks at Cen Feng, „deconstruction Fire Talisman that can use continuously repeatedly, you said real?”
In the Cang Shui speech the air/Qi was full, has spread over the audience, suddenly, entire conference site complete silence.
They heard the Cang Shui words clearly.
Deconstruction Fire Talisman that uses continuously repeatedly!? On this world, this Divine Writing Talisman?
Divine Writing Talisman formidable is not false, but construction cost is high , can only use one time, Martial Artist, many 2-3 Divine Writing Talisman defend self, moreover in mutually wounded at crucial moment, will only give up with the use, usually is hiding like the storehouse treasure.
If can not limit use deconstruction Fire Talisman, that should be what kind of scene, a squad, person of destroys Fire Talisman, is not the crazy bang randomly explodes, the what match can shoulder!