For example, many people may avoid buying shoes from a company after they learn that the company operates sweatshops which employ children. On a large scale, this is called a boycott A group of people get together and decide to stop using a product or a service in order to pressure the corporation into changing its practices. Boycotts can be quite effective. This Thus, corporations cannot ignore public perception would affect their bottom line. In addition, laws are in place that demand corporations obey certain ethical principles. Failure to follow these laws can result in significant fines, laws business license or even the loss of a is Simply obeying the law, however, does not mean that a corporation being ethical. For example, large corporations may operate in several with different sets of laws governing business Therefore, depending on which country they their business in, they can set different corporate standards. Even when certain practices are not illegal in one country, they may stil be another country where the corporation does business. Returning to the example of shoe manufacturers, many of them operate their sweatshops in countries that do not have laws protecting rights. For example, some countries do not have laws against employing children. On the other hand, this practice is still as for a corporation doing business in countries where child labor laws exist.