So, in case there is requirement to make employees work for excessive hours, he needs to be motivated well by catering to his psychological as well as other requirements through proper incentives, promotions, extra wages etc. This way, they could involve themselves and work for the betterment of their organization by feeling that it is their responsibility as well to work for their organization (Jones, 2013). Therefore, the performance of the employees and managers need to be properly recognized and they have to increase their efficiency as well as effectiveness during the excessive working hours for the betterment of their organization and achieving business goals.
managing Overtime
To properly manage the direct and indirect costs associated with excessive overtime, employers should do the following:
• Reduce unscheduled absences by addressing the root cause(s) of them.
• Ensure staffing levels are appropriate and that they meet varying demand through the day, week, month and year.
• Review policies and procedures to ensure that they do not encourage excessive overtime.
• Take steps to increase productivity during the regular workweek.
Barbara Holmes of Managing Work Life Balance International claims this approach to worklife is not sustainable.She says that employers should consider the health, safety and wellbeing of staff. Employees can only cope with excessive hours for a short time.