Starting in the basement of Siam Paragon, you can find various sections which lead into the car park. Some of these sections cover key cutting and shoe repair services, or flower shops, massage parlours and even a post office
Siam Ocean WorldThe basement of The Siam Paragon Shopping Mall in Bangkok consists primarily of Siam Ocean World which is a huge walk-through aquarium and is a great place to take the kids to have a look at aquatic life such as sharks, manta rays, eels, turtles and many other species. Unfortunately Ocean World operates a double pricing policy. Thais pay much less than tourists or non-Thais and they cover this up by writing the amount in Thai script so you won't know. Below's image shows the prices as shown at Siam Paragon's Ocean World but I've added the English in yellow below the Thai script. You can see just how much more expensive it it for visitors. I'm surprised to see this double pricing at a place that sells the world's top cars to rich Thais as 3 to 4 times what you'd pay in Australia, the USA or UK (an Astin Martin on sale in the UK for 9,000,000 Baht costs 55,000,000 Baht in Thailand) and yet these same people are charged so much less for a visit to see a few fish.