I can't believe that my daughter nearly died and me telling you about the hospital bills to help me with $1,100 and you don't believe me and saying about making a lie, i'm sad and frustrated and Eve has been crying all day because of the fact that we can't pay the complete money to be able to leave this hospital and that is all you have to say to me as someone you love and care for and you said you loved me and needed me in your life.
I'm surprised at your message to me,I don't believe you can say i'm lying and I want to fraud you, I feel so bad and sad. Well you have just showed me that I cannot trust a Thai woman ,I thought you meant it when you said you loved me,why will I scam you with the life of my daughter in the hospital, I feel like crying over what you said because if you were my wife and the mother of my daughter will you say that to me and can't you show love to your daughter Eve,you can't do this for her as your daughter and you say I lie.
If you love me and my Eve you will try as much to do the right thing to help us with the money for me and her to be discharged and for me to travel to come and see you and risking alot and everything i do and you don't appreciate what i'm doing to come and see you too.
I feel you don't love me and don't even believe me too. I wish you meant it when you said you loved me ,I need your help now and you insulted me ,this is very unfair and not nice at all. If you love me then help me as soon as possible and go to a local postal service and send the money through the hospital accountant in the previous email and send me the MTCN and the details to for the hospital to get their bill.
Please dear you have to help me.
My love