Ippan-Shadan-Hojin is the quickest and easiest to obtain from Japan govt. It is not the best choice to buy or build a Masjid or Islamic institute. But, it is a good choice. It does not face problem if any of the responsible dies or bankrupt. It does not cost much to obtain & takes short time. Ippan-Shadan-Hojin is not like Shukyo-Hojin. Ippan-Shadan-Hojin has to pay real-estate (land + building) tax and the Ippan-Shadan-Hojin tax (tax for the company), but Shukyo-Hojin does not have to pay any tax. The minimum amount of Ippan-Shadan-Hojin tax (tax for the company) is 70,000yen every year. There is a tricky way to avoid this tax. If a report is sent to the government that there was no activity in this Ippan-Shadan-Hojin, then no tax will be charged for that year. This trick may work only for 5 years. After 5 year without any activity, the government will ask to shut down the Ippan-Shadan-Hojin. This will terminate the company. Deletion of the Ippan-Shadan-Hojin will cost around 40,000yen.
When any ISH buys a property (for Masjid), it has to pay the 3% (three percent) purchase tax around the time of transaction. This 3% purchase tax is designated with ISH. The amount of purchase tax varies for individual and other type of companies. After purchase of any property, ISH has to pay real-estate (land + building) tax and the Ippan-Shadan-Hojin tax (tax for the company). In Japan, the registration of land and building are separate. The taxes are also separate. The land tax and building tax are according to market price of the land and building. Every year the price of the building goes down, so do the tax of the building.