All participants in the intervention group came to Lourdes Wellness Center twice weekly (Monday and Thursday, either 2:00–3:00 p.m. or 6:00–7:00 p.m.) for eight weeks; both weekly intervention sessions had the same information and format. Research participants could select which session was more convenient and also agreed to schedule a make-up appointment within one week for any missed appointments. The supervised intervention session was one hour in length and included ten minutes for preparation, the 20-minute intervention session, 15 minutes for completion of the WOMAC written survey, and 15 minutes for individual ROM assessments. All sessions were conducted by two research therapists, one of whom narrated the scripted sequence, while the other led the intervention sequence as participants followed along. The researcher was present at all sessions. During the three-week period of at-home, unsupervised self-massage intervention, participants were encouraged to continue their twice-weekly practice of self-massage. The wait-list control group participants continued their usual care, returning for assessments at four-week intervals.