The relatively frequent use of bureau by Quebec City anglophones, espe translation - The relatively frequent use of bureau by Quebec City anglophones, espe Indonesian how to say

The relatively frequent use of bure

The relatively frequent use of bureau by Quebec City anglophones, especially indigenes,
marks a curious convergence between francophone and anglophone varieties in Quebec
City. The English word bureau is, of course, a French loanword. It originally came into
English in the eighteenth century (according to OED) with its standard French meaning,
‘office’, and it still exists hardily with that meaning in all varieties of English today. Soon
after, a second meaning developed, apparently through a process of metonymy, because
in British English (and from it in other English varieties, including Canadian English) a
bureau eventually came to mean not only an office but also a particular piece of furniture
Regionality Chambers—12
found in offices, a kind of desk with drawers and a hinged top that folds down to make a
writing surface. Actually, these writing desks were less often found in offices (real
bureaus) than in homes, where they provided a workspace in which people could carry
out the kinds of activities typically done in offices. The writing desk with drawers was
effectively the home office, its bureau.
The meaning of bureau as a chest with drawers into which people put socks, underwear,
and other small articles of clothing is apparently a further extension of this metonymic
meaning of ‘bureau’. Semantically, this last step in the chain of inference seems oblique.
The metonymic specification from an office to a piece of furniture used as an office is
straightforward, but it is a fair leap from there to a piece of bedroom furniture roughly
similar in size but not in shape or function.
Under ordinary circumstances, we might expect that the word with its oblique meaning
would not transfer easily across dialect boundaries, much less across language
boundaries, but that is not so. This oblique meaning of bureau is found in virtually all
varieties of English and also, significantly, in contemporary Quebec French. European
French varieties, by contrast, do NOT include the meaning for bureau as a chest of
drawers. The use of bureau in this sense must have found its way into Quebec French
circuitously, presumably as an English loanword.
Given its widespread use in English, it is not surprising to find bureau with this extended
meaning in the English of Quebec City. In most parts of the world as in Quebec, the word
is a recessive variant; its period of greatest currency, if it had one, is past. Its decline in
the southeastern United States, for instance, shows up in Johnson’s real-time replication,
where bureau was the term used by 68 per cent of the rural population for a chest of
drawers in the 1930s, but in 1990 it is used by only about 5 per cent (1996: 160). In the
Canadian English heartland, the southern Ontario region around Toronto and Niagara
known as the Golden Horseshoe, bureau as a chest of drawers accounts for only 5 per
cent of all responses and is almost unknown by young people.
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Results (Indonesian) 1: [Copy]
The relatively frequent use of bureau by Quebec City anglophones, especially indigenes,marks a curious convergence between francophone and anglophone varieties in QuebecCity. The English word bureau is, of course, a French loanword. It originally came intoEnglish in the eighteenth century (according to OED) with its standard French meaning,‘office’, and it still exists hardily with that meaning in all varieties of English today. Soonafter, a second meaning developed, apparently through a process of metonymy, becausein British English (and from it in other English varieties, including Canadian English) abureau eventually came to mean not only an office but also a particular piece of furnitureRegionality Chambers—12found in offices, a kind of desk with drawers and a hinged top that folds down to make awriting surface. Actually, these writing desks were less often found in offices (realbureaus) than in homes, where they provided a workspace in which people could carryout the kinds of activities typically done in offices. The writing desk with drawers waseffectively the home office, its bureau.The meaning of bureau as a chest with drawers into which people put socks, underwear,and other small articles of clothing is apparently a further extension of this metonymicmeaning of ‘bureau’. Semantically, this last step in the chain of inference seems oblique.The metonymic specification from an office to a piece of furniture used as an office isstraightforward, but it is a fair leap from there to a piece of bedroom furniture roughlysimilar in size but not in shape or function.Under ordinary circumstances, we might expect that the word with its oblique meaningwould not transfer easily across dialect boundaries, much less across languageboundaries, but that is not so. This oblique meaning of bureau is found in virtually allvarieties of English and also, significantly, in contemporary Quebec French. EuropeanFrench varieties, by contrast, do NOT include the meaning for bureau as a chest ofdrawers. The use of bureau in this sense must have found its way into Quebec Frenchcircuitously, presumably as an English loanword.Given its widespread use in English, it is not surprising to find bureau with this extendedmeaning in the English of Quebec City. In most parts of the world as in Quebec, the wordis a recessive variant; its period of greatest currency, if it had one, is past. Its decline inthe southeastern United States, for instance, shows up in Johnson’s real-time replication,where bureau was the term used by 68 per cent of the rural population for a chest ofdrawers in the 1930s, but in 1990 it is used by only about 5 per cent (1996: 160). In theCanadian English heartland, the southern Ontario region around Toronto and Niagaraknown as the Golden Horseshoe, bureau as a chest of drawers accounts for only 5 percent of all responses and is almost unknown by young people.
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Results (Indonesian) 2:[Copy]
Penggunaan relatif sering biro oleh anglophones Kota Quebec, terutama pribumi,
menandai konvergensi penasaran antara francophone dan Anglophone varietas di Quebec
City. Kata bahasa Inggris Biro adalah, tentu saja, loanword Perancis. Ini awalnya datang ke
Inggris pada abad kedelapan belas (menurut OED) dengan makna Perancis standar,
'kantor', dan masih ada hardily dengan itu makna dalam semua jenis bahasa Inggris saat ini. Segera
setelah itu, makna kedua yang dikembangkan, ternyata melalui proses metonymy, karena
di British bahasa Inggris (dan dari dalam varietas Inggris lainnya, termasuk Inggris Kanada) sebuah
biro akhirnya datang berarti tidak hanya kantor tetapi juga bagian tertentu dari furnitur
regionalitas Chambers-12
ditemukan di kantor-kantor, semacam meja dengan laci dan atas berengsel yang lipatan bawah untuk membuat
permukaan menulis. Sebenarnya, ini meja menulis yang kurang sering ditemukan di kantor-kantor (real
biro) daripada di rumah, di mana mereka menyediakan ruang kerja di mana orang bisa membawa
keluar jenis kegiatan biasanya dilakukan di kantor-kantor. Meja tulis dengan laci itu
efektif kantor rumah, biro-nya.
Arti dari biro sebagai dada dengan laci menjadi yang orang menaruh kaus kaki, pakaian,
dan artikel kecil lainnya pakaian tampaknya merupakan perpanjangan dari metonymic ini
makna 'biro' . Semantik, langkah terakhir ini dalam rantai inferensi tampaknya miring.
The metonymic spesifikasi dari kantor untuk sebuah perabot yang digunakan sebagai kantor adalah
mudah, tapi itu adalah lompatan yang adil dari sana ke sepotong bedroom furniture kira-kira
ukurannya sama tapi tidak dalam bentuk atau fungsi.
dalam keadaan biasa, kita mungkin mengharapkan bahwa kata dengan makna miring yang
tidak akan mentransfer dengan mudah melintasi batas-batas dialek, apalagi di bahasa
batas, tapi itu tidak begitu. Arti miring ini biro ditemukan di hampir semua
jenis bahasa Inggris dan juga, secara signifikan, di kontemporer Quebec Perancis. Eropa
varietas Prancis, sebaliknya, TIDAK termasuk makna untuk biro sebagai dada
laci. Penggunaan biro dalam pengertian ini harus menemukan jalan ke Quebec Prancis
circuitously, mungkin sebagai loanword Inggris.
Mengingat digunakan secara luas dalam bahasa Inggris, tidak mengherankan untuk menemukan biro dengan ini diperpanjang
makna dalam bahasa Inggris dari Kota Quebec. Di sebagian besar dunia seperti di Quebec, kata
adalah varian resesif; periodenya mata uang terbesar, jika itu satu, adalah masa lalu. Penurunan di
Amerika Serikat bagian tenggara, misalnya, muncul di Johnson replikasi real-time,
di mana biro itu istilah yang digunakan oleh 68 persen dari penduduk pedesaan untuk dada dari
laci di tahun 1930-an, tetapi pada tahun 1990 digunakan oleh hanya sekitar 5 persen (1996: 160). Di
jantung Inggris Kanada, wilayah Ontario selatan di sekitar Toronto dan Niagara
dikenal sebagai Golden Horseshoe, biro sebagai laci menyumbang hanya 5 per
sen dari semua tanggapan dan hampir tidak dikenal oleh orang-orang muda.
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