Within 5 working days of receiving this email:
Ensure as Leaver that your Line Manager is included into any communications that are sent to the IT JML Service.
1. Check the last day of contract date is correct.
a. If incorrect:
i. Contact your Line Manager to take the appropriate actions to update your last day of contract. If you are an employee, your Line Manager is to contact HR to update your end date. If you are a contractor this can be changed via MyRequest.
1. If your actual end date is later than the currently indicated date, please
respond to this e-mail providing the correct last day of contract and do not take any further action.
2. If your end date is earlier than the currently indicated date, please
respond to this e-mail providing the correct last day of contract and complete the actions requested in this e-mail.
b. If correct:
i. Review and discuss the IT JML Leave checklist with your Line Manager to ensure you are both aware of the IT offboarding actions and can track your progress accordingly.
2. Respond to this email after you have performed the following actions:
a. Verify if your Line Manager is based in the same location as you, if not provide an alternative contact to the IT JML Service, who is based in the same location as you are and that is able to cover any on site actions for the Line Manager. If you are unable to return your hardware to local IT, this person should be able to cover this onsite action.
b. Remote users should return the Hardware base on the leaver location code. If Hardware is to be returned to a different location please advise the location.
c. Review and confirm whether the information and IT assets assigned to your user ID in My Asset below are correct. If any assets are incorrect or missing, perform either