„for Heaven's sake, soldier of butt an emperor adds on a King's Weapon butt, adds on several hundred Battle Weapon to build Battle Weapon to come out again, this is the rhythm that must go against heaven's will.”
Big Yellow Dog cannot bear open the mouth saying that this writing skill was too big, if the average person, gives him unable to fuse these things Battle Weapon, Jiang Chen has such skill.
Does not refuse to accept good!
The black sacrificial altar vibrates was fiercer, the above black gateway feels weak to be pale, must vanish to disappear shortly.
„Walks quickly, the gateway soon vanished.”
Han Yan calls out in alarm one.
„Has not thought that the gateway of Iceland opened, Wu Cong they should exit, we immediately leave now.”
Jiang Chen receives Tiansheng Sword, flies toward the black sacrificial altar, suddenly, a three people of dog then arrived above the sacrificial altar.
„Xiao Chen, Wu Cong they definitely are waiting for us outside, one can are more careful.”
The Nangong Wen Tian promotion said.
„Might as well, they annoy me, is their ends, walks,”
Jiang Chen was saying, flies toward black gateway, suddenly, his gaze fell by the black gateway above that giant wheel disk, the vision could not bear trembles.
„Here unexpectedly transmission, but this transmission looked like very long is used, did not know to use, well? A transmission center has a chase, probably bronze medal.”
Jiang Chen gaze falls, in that transmits above ancient, sees the transmission center, presents one unexpectedly with bronze medal exactly the same chase, this makes him want to succeed in obtaining the bronze medal.
Nobody knows in his hand also the bronze medal, this bronze medal opened the nine bronze medals of ancient tower not to be different from before, because this bronze medal was the results of another nine bronze medal fusions, now looks like, perhaps with this transmission related.
„Xiao Chen, walks quickly, that broken wheel disk has anything to be attractive, the gateway must shut down.”
Han Yan urged one.
Jiang Chen then responded, sees the present gateway fierce rocked, already empty pale to the extreme, the next quarter must vanish does not see, if the gateway vanished, they did not have the means to go out of here, must here on the sleepy 100 years.
Jiang Chen gaze left transmission, the stature vanished in the gateway in a flash, did not have the time, the bronze medal and transmission can only have the opportunity to study again, in the bronze medal regarding hand, Jiang Chen had thought was not very simple, definitely also will have the big use.
A three people of dog simultaneously enters the black gateway, enters the next instance of gateway in them, the black gateway then thoroughly vanishes to disappear, the black sacrificial altar also stopped rocking, the entire Icelandic inner space returned to once more normal.
A three people of dog was given to shoot by a space vigorously, immediately revolution Yuan power stands firm the body, this discovered the place that they are, has been separated from the overseas unexpectedly, to an wilderness outside endless sea area above, where back also had the appearance of Iceland, is only a piece of tranquil water surface.
The people who before came out have not departed, see the sudden four forms, many person complexions immediately changed.
„Is Jiang Chen they, Jiang Chen has not died unexpectedly, then also had the good play to look.”