„Ling Yi, my Tan Lang is makes trouble will not let off your.”
Sees Ling Yi, saying that Tan Lang clenches jaws immediately, in the look reveals the sinister and ruthless hatred, he so has not never hated a person, Ling Yi is first.
„Is your injury, does obeisance him to bestow?”
Jiang Chen complexion one cold, he also has his expression from the Tan Lang look, has guessed correctly the truth.
„Snort! The idle talk little said that Zhang Yang, this grand guardian has not killed you at the scene, is your end big being honored, I give you now a life the opportunity, the fortuitous encounter that so long as you will obtain yesterday told me, this grand guardian gave the opportunity that you one time maintained a livelihood, can not kill you.”
Ling Yi cold snort.
„Good, I told you.”
Jiang Chen smiled.
„Did you say really?”
Ling Yi one happy, thinks must obtain the Zhang Yang fortuitous encounter to need to spend flustered greatly, has not actually thought that the opposite party has compromised on own initiative, this should better.
„Stared your eye to favor greatly, my fortuitous encounter was, I was not Zhang Yang.”
Jiang Chen was saying, the whole body skeleton and muscle start to twist, several time of breath, completely turned into the original appearance, are not Jiang Chen or anyone.
„Is you?”
Saw that at present this person turns into Jiang Chen suddenly, Ling Yi has called out in alarm immediately, he can not help has drawn back backward one step, has not thought that Zhang Yang can be Jiang Chen changes, he knows that this youth is extremely at present nasty, but afterward, Ling Yi calm, he laughs: „Jiang Chen, good, heaven has group of you not to walk, the hell does not have you to rush, it seems like you and Tan Lang relations are not ordinary, are willing to take the so big risk to come to rescue, but all these are the futile efforts, today you grow nine pairs of wings, gave up any idea of that leaves Asura Palace Hall.”