everything is difficult to do at very beginning, today can complete the start to be enough.
Five two thousand Li (0.5 km), five three thousand Li (0.5 km), five four thousand Li (0.5 km)!
Each ten rest time, Lin Ming has deepened thousand Li (0.5 km), to the present, Lin Ming has also felt the huge pressure, this is almost equal to goes through in the star surface high-speed, even if he, support also suitable difficulty.
But under such heavy pressure, Lin Ming actually also felt the enormous advantage.
All Intent Domain principle fragments as if were burnt melted, deep builds up into the body of Lin Ming, with his internal organs, flesh and blood and fascia fusion!
A faint trace engraved inscription, inscribes above the bone of Lin Ming, shape to turn into a god secret plain bone article. In some sense, the Lin Ming present body is in itself a totem carved stone, was only Intent Domain was still shallow, if Lin Ming died now, his bone pulled out to suspend to perceive through meditation for the human.
Five five thousand Li (0.5 km), Lin Ming speed slowed down, but still several times of speeds of sound, but before five six thousand Li (0.5 km) are Yan Yue , the depth of being!
Has broken through this depth, means that Lin Ming has surpassed Yan Yue, but by Lin Ming present speed, likely its breaking through with irresistible force!
At that moment, Martial Artist on the scene has turned very quiet closely, Yan Yue grips a pair of pink / white fist, the big eye does wink is staring at the fire spirit mirror in sky.
„Can Lin Ming overtake me unexpectedly? How like this, my principle Intent Domain will lead great length compared with him from the beginning, moreover I have the perfect Ancient Phoenix bloodline, but also perceives through meditation ten zhang (3.33 m) Heavenly Imperial Seal, this is in fire spirit star Totem Tower the best totem carved stone, he perceives through meditation chaos carved stone, is obscurely difficult to understand, properly speaking, one year later, I should fling him to be farther, is now, has he exceeded me unexpectedly? For what can like this?”
The Yan Yue feeling could not accept, the Chu Hong cloud could not accept, all people stare the big eye, Lin Ming present speed reduced to ten times of speeds of sound, but ten times of speeds of sound were also extraordinary, a rest was 20 li (0.5km)!
No matter Yan Yue and Chu Hong cloud at this time are the what mentalities, actually completely cannot affect Lin Ming, he overran finally, five six thousand Li (0.5 km) boundaries, break do not have the suspense!