In the study to find the association between problematic cellular phone use and risky behaviors and low self-esteem among Taiwanese adolescents. we found a positive association between problematic CPU and aggression perpetration and victimization among all adolescent groups of different genders and ages. The problematic CPU has extended interpersonal contacts which increased the risk to expose themselves with physical conflict to others. There were positive association between aggression involvement and internalizing and externalizing problems. (Oftedai G et al.2000, P. 237) Problematic CPU and aggression involvement, as well as other risky behaviors, might be the results of chaotic lifestyles. Thirdly, because most of the adolescents have no economic autonomy to buy their own cellular phone and to pay the monthly rental fee, the risk of involvement in interpersonal entanglement of money with subsequent violent aggression and victimization may increase. (Sinha K 2007).