A panel discussion about the Doha development agenda during the Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development's Forum 2006 is presented. Liz Alderman, business editor, International Herald Tribune, launched the discussion by asking whether the Doha Development Agenda talks can be saved. Everyone agreed that the stakes are huge, but another question about realism had to be raised on whether Doha's goals are too ambitious. Mark Vaile, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Trade, Australia, said Doha was at risk, and it could be saved. As a minister, he felt that negotiations must succeed this year, given the current trends in politics and protectionism. Ingrid Antonijevic, Minister of Economy, Development and Reconstruction, Chile, responded to the view that the benefits from Doha for developing countries, while less in dollar terms, would spell an enormous jump ahead for poorer societies. She still felt that the current international trade system was skewed too far in favor of wealthy countries.