“Haa…” (Wendelin)
“What is it? Are you that reluctant?” (Burkhart)
After teleporting, I stood in front of the Baumeister household’s mansion after a long time.
Honestly, I thought it would be fine, if I didn’t transfer because I forgot about such place, but the teleportation magic, having thoughtlessly trained it properly, was as successful as usual in spite of it being several years since I’ve been here.
Erw and me have almost the same situation.
As children who were unable to inherit the Knight household, we have gained a social status of being independent by being successful as adventurers.
Erw has renounced his family’s heirship at the same time he became an adult.
He obtained a large amount of money by unforeseen fortune, but since this a talk about a different household already, Erw’s family shouldn’t be able to demand something like support out of greed.
Since it has been almost a month after that hell-like labyrinth capture, you wouldn’t know what will happen from now on related to the speed of information spread and Erw was worried about this as well.
Conversely, how about my case?
Because the previous village headman, Klaus, tossed the outrageous bomb of me being the appropriate next feudal lord, I have abandoned my heirship as fast as possible.
Or rather, it was decided for me to abandon at the time of me receiving a new court rank by His Majesty.
Although I can only say that I entrusted it to the government office to deal with the practical formalities in a hurry at that time.
In addition, neither father nor elder brother said anything about this back then, it seems.
Saying that it seems like that is because I didn’t actually meet them as I finished it all with a letter.
Anyway, for me there isn’t much of love or attachment towards my parents, siblings and the Baumeister household.
Reincarnating as Wendelin at the age of six, my only memory from before was the knowledge I saw in the dream. Thereafter there wasn’t much of a contact or should I rather say that I was obviously neglected.
It’s not like I was treated particularly bad.
It would have been fine even if I didn’t do something like helping the household and just spent my time studying and practicing magic. As result of that I was able to bring an amount of hunted prey to the table as food.
If you talk about it frankly, that level of relationship wasn’t something that could be seen by the surroundings either, I guess.
Since they were aware of me being able to use magic, I think it had that tendency all the more.
For the southernmost remote, poor Knight household it is necessary to have as cooperative relationship in this somewhat insular community for the relatives and fief’s populace.
Therefore my real intention was to become independent as fast as possible.
“At this late hour, even if it’s greetings…” (Wendelin)
“Ano, I want to introduce myself to Father-in-law-sama and mother-in-law.” (Elise)
“Me as well.” (Ina)
“Me too, as third wife.” (Luise)
I can can quite well understand the three that they want to extend their greetings since they are my fiancées, but that alone can be deemed to be a completely disagreeable development for Kurt-ani and so on.
Different from father who has a mistress, there isn’t any other wife but Amelie-sister-in-law-san for Kurt-ani.
Or perhaps I should call it the envy of men. Since the number of wives is a barometer for the economical strength, it is equal to telling the other party “You are poor.”
Actually I’ve heard this also became the cause of bloodshed amongst nobles.
Therefore I don’t want to do something like greetings.
“Publicly, the boy and Artur are vassals of the same lord.” (Burkhart)
I guess we will stay parent and child for eternity due to our blood relationship, but from the public standpoint we are fellow vassals of Margrave Breithilde.
Furthermore, it has resulted in us being at the same situation given that both of us are officially His Majesty’s retainers and likewise fellow nobles.
But in reality there is no way that a Duke and a Knight have the same position.
Since there is even a difference in size of territory and economical strength, it is normal for most of the Dukes to act self-importantly.
And, I am a Baron while father is no more than a Knight.
Even the economical strength, I guess we don’t have to talk about that one.
Such an awkward feeling is a first for me.
I end up remembering my middle-aged section chief from my previous life fretting about 『Now the temporarily retired director of the department will re-employed as my subordinate. What shall I do?』
“How troublesome…” (Wendelin)
And presently this is a family having a strangely reversed phenomena of the father being a Knight and the child being a Baron.