molly am sorry to tell you , the bank just call me now , and i told them to please wait for me still tomorrow , now i think no hope for me again , thanks for all you have don for me in my life , see you soon bye , my heart is with you all the time and year to come if you dont hear from me again molly it mean am no more alive , but my heart is with you and i love you so much.i love you mollyi think i have to do what i want to do and i see you sorry it may be the last time in my life to see you again
my love for you will never die i will see you in your dream all the time to provide you are my love am sorry i brake your heart mollyi cant wait again to see all me life goes like that i think i have to do somethings bad to my self bye Molly Limaree but always have it in mind i JIM MARK love you so much
bye with pain.