SEO is the art and science of helping websites get found
in the major Search. The process is often complicated,
timely and manually intensive. It can be a waste of time if
your pages are not structured in a search engine friendly
manner. Hence, SEO can be thought of as the medium one
can use to communicate with a search engine, so that it
knows exactly what your web site is about. It is also about
achieving a high level of search engine visibility through a
wide variety of well-optimized keyword phrases that are
directly related to your business. Search Engine
Optimization- refers to a variety of techniques used to
improve a web page's keyword or keyword phrase Search
Engine ranking. Search engine Optimisation is an
important aspect of search marketing. It is a technical
process of manipulating a website with the aim of
optimizing or promoting keyword search phrases relevant
to that website to the search engines, so they in turn will
index the site as highly relevant to that keyword search
phrase. Once indexed, the search engine will list the
website in its „natural listings‟.