also result in overproduction of uric acid due to lysis and breakdown  translation - also result in overproduction of uric acid due to lysis and breakdown  Indonesian how to say

also result in overproduction of ur

also result in overproduction of uric acid due to lysis and breakdown of
cellular matter.
• Dietary purines play an unimportant role in the generation of hyperuricemia
in the absence of some derangement in purine metabolism or
• About two-thirds of the uric acid produced each day is excreted in the
urine. The remainder is eliminated through the GI tract after enzymatic
degradation by colonic bacteria. A decline in the urinary excretion of uric
acid to a level below the rate of production leads to hyperuricemia and an
increased miscible pool of sodium urate.
• Drugs that decrease renal clearance of uric acid through modification of
filtered load or one of the tubular transport processes include diuretics,
nicotinic acid, salicylates (less than 2 g/day), ethanol, pyrazinamide,
levodopa, ethambutol, cyclosporine, and cytotoxic drugs.
• The average human produces 600 to 800 mg of uric acid daily and excretes
less than 600 mg in urine. Individuals who excrete more than 600 mg after
being on a purine-free diet for 3 to 5 days are considered overproducers.
Hyperuricemic individuals who excrete less than 600 mg of uric acid per
24 hours on a purine-free diet are defined as underexcretors of uric acid.
On a regular diet, excretion of more than 1,000 mg per 24 hours reflects
overproduction; less than this is probably normal.
• Deposition of urate crystals in synovial fluid results in an inflammatory
process involving chemical mediators that cause vasodilation, increased
vascular permeability, complement activation, and chemotactic activity for
polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Phagocytosis of urate crystals by leukocytes
results in rapid lysis of cells and a discharge of proteolytic enzymes
into the cytoplasm. The ensuing inflammatory reaction is associated with
intense joint pain, erythema, warmth, and swelling.
• Uric acid nephrolithiasis occurs in 10% to 25% of patients with gout.
Predisposing factors include excessive urinary excretion of uric acid, acidic
urine, and highly concentrated urine.
• In acute uric acid nephropathy, acute renal failure occurs as a result of
blockage of urine flow secondary to massive precipitation of uric acid
crystals in the collecting ducts and ureters. This syndrome is a wellrecognized
complication in patients with myeloproliferative or lymphoproliferative
disorders and results from massive malignant cell turnover, particularly
after initiation of chemotherapy. Chronic urate nephropathy is caused
by the long-term deposition of urate crystals in the renal parenchyma.
• Tophi (urate deposits) are uncommon in gouty subjects and are a late
complication of hyperuricemia. The most common sites of tophaceous
deposits in patients with recurrent acute gouty arthritis are the base of the
great toe, helix of the ear, olecranon bursae, Achilles tendon, knees, wrists,
and hands
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Results (Indonesian) 1: [Copy]
also result in overproduction of uric acid due to lysis and breakdown ofcellular matter.• Dietary purines play an unimportant role in the generation of hyperuricemiain the absence of some derangement in purine metabolism orelimination.• About two-thirds of the uric acid produced each day is excreted in theurine. The remainder is eliminated through the GI tract after enzymaticdegradation by colonic bacteria. A decline in the urinary excretion of uricacid to a level below the rate of production leads to hyperuricemia and anincreased miscible pool of sodium urate.• Drugs that decrease renal clearance of uric acid through modification offiltered load or one of the tubular transport processes include diuretics,nicotinic acid, salicylates (less than 2 g/day), ethanol, pyrazinamide,levodopa, ethambutol, cyclosporine, and cytotoxic drugs.• The average human produces 600 to 800 mg of uric acid daily and excretesless than 600 mg in urine. Individuals who excrete more than 600 mg afterbeing on a purine-free diet for 3 to 5 days are considered overproducers.Hyperuricemic individuals who excrete less than 600 mg of uric acid per24 hours on a purine-free diet are defined as underexcretors of uric acid.On a regular diet, excretion of more than 1,000 mg per 24 hours reflectsoverproduction; less than this is probably normal.• Deposition of urate crystals in synovial fluid results in an inflammatoryprocess involving chemical mediators that cause vasodilation, increasedvascular permeability, complement activation, and chemotactic activity forpolymorphonuclear leukocytes. Phagocytosis of urate crystals by leukocytesresults in rapid lysis of cells and a discharge of proteolytic enzymesinto the cytoplasm. The ensuing inflammatory reaction is associated withintense joint pain, erythema, warmth, and swelling.• Uric acid nephrolithiasis occurs in 10% to 25% of patients with gout.Predisposing factors include excessive urinary excretion of uric acid, acidicurine, and highly concentrated urine.• In acute uric acid nephropathy, acute renal failure occurs as a result ofblockage of urine flow secondary to massive precipitation of uric acidcrystals in the collecting ducts and ureters. This syndrome is a wellrecognizedcomplication in patients with myeloproliferative or lymphoproliferativedisorders and results from massive malignant cell turnover, particularlyafter initiation of chemotherapy. Chronic urate nephropathy is causedby the long-term deposition of urate crystals in the renal parenchyma.• Tophi (urate deposits) are uncommon in gouty subjects and are a latecomplication of hyperuricemia. The most common sites of tophaceousdeposits in patients with recurrent acute gouty arthritis are the base of thegreat toe, helix of the ear, olecranon bursae, Achilles tendon, knees, wrists,and hands
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Results (Indonesian) 2:[Copy]
juga mengakibatkan kelebihan produksi asam urat karena lisis dan pemecahan
masalah selular.
• purin Diet memainkan peran penting dalam generasi hyperuricemia
tanpa adanya beberapa kekacauan dalam metabolisme purin atau
• Sekitar dua-pertiga dari asam urat yang dihasilkan setiap hari diekskresikan dalam
urin. Sisanya dieliminasi melalui saluran pencernaan setelah enzimatik
degradasi oleh bakteri kolon. Penurunan ekskresi urat
asam ke tingkat bawah tingkat produksi menyebabkan hyperuricemia dan
peningkatan renang larut natrium urat.
• Obat-obatan yang menurunkan klirens ginjal asam urat melalui modifikasi
beban disaring atau salah satu transportasi tubular proses termasuk diuretik,
asam nikotinat, salisilat (kurang dari 2 g / hari), etanol, pirazinamid,
levodopa, ethambutol, siklosporin, dan obat sitotoksik .
• Rata-rata manusia memproduksi 600 sampai 800 mg asam urat setiap hari dan excretes
kurang dari 600 mg dalam urin. Individu yang mengeluarkan lebih dari 600 mg setelah
berada di diet purin bebas selama 3 sampai 5 hari dianggap overproducers.
Individu hiperurisemia yang mengeluarkan kurang dari 600 mg asam urat per
24 jam pada diet purin bebas didefinisikan sebagai underexcretors asam urat.
Pada diet biasa, ekskresi lebih dari 1.000 mg per 24 jam mencerminkan
kelebihan; kurang dari ini mungkin normal.
• Endapan kristal urat dalam hasil cairan sinovial dalam inflamasi
proses yang melibatkan mediator kimia yang menyebabkan vasodilatasi, peningkatan
permeabilitas pembuluh darah, aktivasi komplemen, dan aktivitas kemotaktik untuk
leukosit polimorfonuklear. Fagositosis kristal urat oleh leukosit
hasil lisis cepat sel-sel dan keluarnya enzim proteolitik
ke dalam sitoplasma. The berikutnya reaksi inflamasi berhubungan dengan
rasa sakit sendi, eritema, kehangatan, dan pembengkakan.
• nefrolitiasis Asam urat terjadi pada 10% sampai 25% dari pasien dengan gout.
Faktor predisposisi mencakup ekskresi berlebihan urin asam urat, asam
urine, dan urine sangat terkonsentrasi.
• Pada nefropati asam urat akut, gagal ginjal akut terjadi sebagai akibat dari
penyumbatan aliran urin sekunder curah hujan besar asam urat
kristal di saluran pengumpul dan ureter. Sindrom ini adalah wellrecognized
komplikasi pada pasien dengan mieloproliferatif atau limfoproliferatif
gangguan dan hasil dari pergantian sel ganas besar, terutama
setelah mulai kemoterapi. Nefropati urat kronis disebabkan
oleh deposisi jangka panjang kristal urat di parenkim ginjal.
• Tophi (deposito urat) jarang terjadi pada subyek gout dan merupakan akhir
komplikasi hiperurisemia. Tempat yang paling umum dari tophaceous
deposito pada pasien dengan berulang gout akut arthritis adalah dasar dari
ibu jari, helix dari telinga, olekranon bursae, Achilles tendon, lutut, pergelangan tangan,
dan tangan
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